Intel is doubling down on its commitment to improving artificial intelligence (AI) performance across its entire range of computer processors. The semiconductor company recently unveiled its latest lineup of laptop processors called "Core Ultra." These processors have been specifically designed to enhance AI-related features in PC software applications.
According to Michelle Johnston Holthaus, Intel's general manager of the Client Computing Group, the launch of the Intel Core Ultra processors showcases the company's unmatched scale and speed in enabling AI on PCs. Holthaus believes that Intel is in the best position to deliver the next generation of computing.
With the rise of AI workloads, Holthaus predicts that AI PCs, which can accelerate these tasks, will account for 80% of the PC market within the next four years. To support this claim, Intel mentions that more than 100 software vendors have already optimized their applications to take advantage of the AI-related features offered by Core Ultra.
Starting immediately, computers equipped with Core Ultra chips are available worldwide from leading PC manufacturers such as Acer, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Microsoft, and Samsung.
In addition to the Core Ultra lineup, Intel has also introduced its latest server processors – the fifth-generation Intel Xeon chips. These processors have been specifically designed for AI workload deployment in cloud environments. Sandra Rivera, Intel's general manager of the Data Center and AI Group, said that the new Xeons offer up to 42% higher performance for certain AI workloads compared to previous models.
It is worth noting that industry insiders have previously suggested that PCs embedded with AI capabilities could significantly boost sales for computer manufacturers in the coming years.
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