UK Oil & Gas has announced its acquisition of more powerful perforating guns to enhance operations at the Pinarova-1 well in Turkey. The company, which holds a 50% interest in the well, has collaborated with operator Aladdin Middle East to temporarily suspend activities until the arrival of the larger and more powerful guns.
In May, UKOG made the decision to pause operations after analyzing pressure gauge data from testing operations, which revealed that the existing 4.5-inch guns were inadequate for the task. Now, with the procurement of the advanced perforating guns, the company aims to ensure full penetration of the casing and cement at the Pinarova-1 site.
Further progress has been made as new geochemical analyses demonstrate a close similarity between the Pinarova mud-pit oil sample and oil samples from a nearby shallow seismic shot-hole seep. These findings raise the possibility of a deeper oil pool, which could be the primary source of both the seep and Pinarova oils. In light of these developments, UKOG is contemplating a small 3D seismic program to further investigate this potential oil reservoir.
At 0917 GMT, shares have shown a promising increase of 7.25%, reaching 0.04 pence.
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